I'm coming to Hamburg and going big at NeonSplash-Paint-Party. The party is at Edelfettwerk and starts about 10:00pm (CET). Check www.neonsplash.de for more infos.
BNR TRAX artists are going on European tour to celebrate the release of BNR TRAX ’01-10′.
I am honoured to be a support-dj on two tourdates. First one is the BNR-night at Bootshaus, Cologne alongside Boys Noize and Djedjotronic on February 25th. The second date is on April 8th with SCNTST and Audionite at Bootshaus, Cologne.
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1. Markus Lange & Play Paul - UFO 1985 (Maxcherry Remix) 2. Mumbai Science - Reality 3. Etnik - Vino 4. Kill Frenzy - Booty Clap 5. Tai vs Fat & Ugly - Ex 6. Plump Djs - Gobstopper 7. Modek - Willow 8. Jon Convex - Order Into Chaos 9. Kölsch - Opa 10. Claude VonStroke & Eats Everything - Ignorance Is Bliss